Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone has tried to use the riskscape wizard using the same layer for their hazard and exposure. For example, I have a layer called ‘RoadSide Survey’ which contains my hazards (data for flood velocity, flood sedimentation, flood duration, and flood depth) and my exposure (different farms and their land use types). I’m trying to get riskscape to run just using this layer for hazard and exposure, but I am struggling to do so and was wondering if anyone had any advice.
What sort of input data is the Roadside Survey layer? Is it a geopackage file? If so, RiskScape can only load one layer from the geopackage file at a time. So what you want to do should work, but your RiskScape bookmarks will need to specify the layer within the geopackage file to use. E.g. something like this:
OK, so what does the data look like? Are there separate polygons for the exposure (farm) and hazard (flood) data?
Or has the hazard already been spatially matched against the exposure data? i.e. there are just farm polygons and they have flood velocity/depth attributes?
The hazard data has already been spatially matched against the exposure data - there are farm polygons each containing their own flood depth/velcoity/sedimentation/duration.
Once you’ve been through the tutorial, you could replace the relation parameter with your Roadside Survey shapefile, and replace the function parameter with the Python function that you want to use.