Using intersects with 2 polygons

I am trying to use intersects to get all the polygons from one geopackage that intersect with a polygon from another geopackage using this pipeline

input(relation: 'catchments') as exposure
-> select({*, intersects(geom, bookmark('RegionalCouncil', {filter: $region_filter}))})
-> filter("intersects")
-> save(name: 'output', format: 'geopackage')

But I am getting this error

Failed to validate model for execution
  - Failed to validate 'select({*, intersects(geom, bookmark('RegionalCouncil', {filter: 'RegionalCouncil = \'Manawatu-Whanganui Region\''}))})' step for execution
    - Failed to validate expression '{*, intersects(geom, bookmark('RegionalCouncil', {filter: 'RegionalCouncil = \'Manawatu-Whanganui Region\''}))}' against input type {geom=>Polygon[crs=EPSG:2193], name=>Text, terms=>Text, rec2term=>Text, tocs=>Text, eva_sites=>Text, eva_rec1s=>Text, eva_rec2s=>Text, flood_stats_sites=>Text, flood_stats_rec1s=>Text}
      - Problems found with 'intersects' riskscape function
        - Type mismatch for 'rhs' function argument. Expected 'Geom' but found 'WithMetadata[Relation[{geom=>MultiPolygon[crs=EPSG:2193], REGC2021_V=>Text, REGC2021_1=>Text, REGC2021_2=>Text, LAND_AREA_=>Floating, AREA_SQ_KM=>Floating, RegionalCouncil=>Text}][crs=EPSG:2193]]'

How can I get the geometry out of a WithMetadata object?

Are you trying to join them up, i.e find the regional council that intersects the catchment? Easiest way is usually to sample the area layer, like you would with a hazard layer. If you run through the wizard it’ll do that for you when adding an area layer.


Like Nick suggested, sampling is probably the simplest approach, but it depends a bit on what you’re trying to do here. If you just want to filter by a region, then you can use sample_one() to find the corresponding region, e.g.

input(relation: 'catchments') as exposure
-> select({ *, sample_one(geom, to_coverage(bookmark('RegionalCouncil', {filter: $region_filter}))) as region })
-> filter(is_not_null(region))
-> save(name: 'output', format: 'geopackage')

It sounds like the RegionalCouncil layer is getting filtered so it only has one polygon, so sample_one() will be the simplest approach. If it contained multiple polygons, then approaches are:

  • Use sample() instead of sample_one(). This returns all the polygons that intersect in a list. In filtering terms, it makes it a little bit awkward to check for a region match, but this approach can be handy in other situations.
  • Use layer_intersections() instead of intersects() in a pipeline similar to what you’ve got. This would cut the geom into pieces, based on where they intersect the RegionalCouncil layer.

Hi Nick and Tim, thanks for the help! Tims pipeline worked perfectly. The final command to run it was

riskscape model run groupCatchmentsByRegion --param "region_filter = 'RegionalCouncil = \'Auckland Region\''"